"Me too"

I believe the most comforting words spoken are “me too.”
These words are filled with compassion and empathy. They give a sense of acknowledgement to one’s struggle– that they have been on the same road as you before, and they understand.
This is why my classmates and I’s initial awareness campaign for the Lucky Fin Project was so utterly important to me. I didn’t discover this community of limb differenced people until I was fifteen years old, and I’ll tell you, I would’ve loved to have had the Lucky Fin Weekend experience under my belt many years before.
I think it’s really important that limb different children are acquainted with older limb different individuals so they can be the one to say, “Me too.”
Back in April, my classmates and I used $1,500 of the $5,000 we raised for the Lucky Fin Project to fund Damien’s fare to Lucky Fin Weekend. This weekend is an opportunity for families who have someone with a limb difference to get together to share, network, and celebrate. Damien is from Pennsylvania and has never met anyone else with a limb difference. He’s been bullied for his own, so giving him this opportunity is giving him an opportunity of a lifetime. He, like all limb different children, should be able to hear “Me too.”


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