44 News Follow Up

Today, JoJo Gentry from 44 News wrote a followup article on the progress Kenzie’s Helping Hands has made. Once again, I’m thrilled at the opportunity of addressing a larger scale audience on the matters of the limb different community. My ultimate goal is to be an influencer towards the ubiquitous issues that plague our community. Examples of such concerns are how the world views the term “disability” and the connotations it possesses that impinge our image, the lack of awareness surrounding the condition of limb loss itself, the deprivation of information given to new parents of limb different children at hospitals, the insufficiency of disability representation in the entertainment and fashion industries, and the inaccessibility of technologically advanced, cost effective prosthetics. That’s my dream, but anyway, here’s the link: Mount Vernon Soccer Star Gets Approval to Make Hands for Limb Different People


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